The upsurge in the horrendous incidents against our minority community has been spilling over in the recent past in Pakistan. The loathe and antipathy towards the minorities under the pretext of blasphemy act has already sponsored innumerable events of mob violence in the society, just as we witnessed another abysmal episode of vandalism against the Christianity group in Jaranwala. What’s even spooking is the fact that the harbingers of these derogatory events coming to a standstill are even thin on the ground. But does it matter to us?
“Though we are burying our heads in the sand that we do not have the skin in the game, but the matter of fact is every one of us has the horse in the race, and when everyone has, no one actually has.”
Prolly not. As the matter of fact is this hasn’t been the first time this country has witnessed such hooliganism, but we move on like we always do, and we move on with our cliched formalities and procedural decorum just as, after every incident, we do. Starting with the harangue of condemnations from the high-profile authorities, suspensions of the administration, quibbling the miscreants, the pompous vows to arrest the culprits teaching them the lessons, the fallacious claims of forming an egalitarian society, the empathetic reactions from the public, twitter trending on social media, talk of the town for some days, and our checklist is done and dusted, and we as a nation have set this country to right, and then we’ll move on from the past, we’ll forget what happened and we’ll wait for our next assignment as a nation to follow our checklist.
But whom to call out for this ramshackle system. Who must be pinned for the obligation of this dilapidated law and order. Whom to place the onus on for this extremism and vehemence. Whom to hold culpable for this fissiparous society. Whom to seek answers for the unedifying spectacle of paucity of tolerance in the society, leading to the bigotry against the minorities. Whom to vilify for setting the fire to this incident. But you’ll find no one amenable. The hapless reality is the matter of fact that we as a nation always exonerate ourselves from every wicked deed in the society, but it’s us who are the abettors of these despicable misdeeds. Though we are burying our heads in the sand that we do not have the skin in the game, but the matter of fact is everyone of us has the horse in the race, and when everyone has, no one actually has.
Nor it could be the Prime Minister of the state, as the prime minister has been dealing with too big can of the worms in this country, but he has the cabinet to cope up with these trivial matters. But neither it is the gamut of the cabinet, as it is there to take stock of this country’s gargantuan conundrums, economics, politics etc. Reckoning the law and order to be stern, full marks to the administrative body, as it is there to pull his socks up for which the police have been doing their job meritoriously, probing the crime soon after it happened. Indubitably, not could be the sordid discourse of our madrassahs, ergo couldn’t be the product of religious obscurantism, because this isn’t the preaching of Islam.
And here we are, from the elites of the society to every functional institute of the society, no one having a finger in the pie. Because none of us has ever been part of a problem, as we always have been the effigy of solutions. But even with our rectitudinous solution book, we still have debauched the humanity, as our solution book is obsolete. Perhaps, it’s time to rectify our purported checklist with an efficacious one, to learn lessons from our own inculcated peccadillos, to have a better image of ourselves, thus granting them the prerogative, to enjoy the leeway of living an enlivening life without straitjacketing them with religious sanctions, which by constitution is theirs.
“we move on like we always do ”
Yehi HOTA jaye ga 😢
The undeniable veracity of our society🌚